This is the personal weblog of me… Sean Hill.
Born and raised in British Columbia on the west coast of Canada, I’ve had a longstanding love-hate relationship with technology and computers in general. I’ve been:
- a student
- an actor
- a fisherman
- a bartender
- a traveller
- a banker
This site represents my first foray into the wide world of self-publishing. Mostly a public journal, it will be updated with my thoughts and observations of the world that passes before my eyes. Call it…
Whatever you call it, it’s mine, and I aim to be honest.
Some of my interests are:
- meditation
- computers – programming, internet, etc.
- drumming and making music
- community development and social equity
- cooking
- movie making
- and on and on…
This weblog is open for discussion. So please, comment and communicate!
sean 🙂