Posts Tagged ‘internet’

Canadian Copyright Consultation Submission

Friday, October 2nd, 2009

I went out to see Michael Geist talk at the WISE Hall in Vancouver last night. He’s incredibly articulate and has a great grasp on the wide variety of issues that modern copyright reform lays at the feet of citizens. I especially appreciated his focus on the protection of the freedom of citizens within the new digital paradigm.

He also reminded me that I hadn’t yet posted my submission to the Canadian Copyright Consultation.


Computers and me

Thursday, December 7th, 2006

This is a long one!

I’ve always liked computers. I liked that they could play games and produce documents. I liked that you could use them to draw and even make music. I liked them even more when the internet landed and you could use them to communicate. But it’s long been apparent to me that without software a computer is just a fancy electricity sucker. And in the past few years I’ve become more and more aware of how the quality of and intention behind the software can affect the usefulness and even usability of the computer. Bad software and poorly motivated software development can seriously affect the social empowerment of the end user.



Wednesday, September 6th, 2006

It really is amazing how much time can be sunk into into a website without seeing a whole lot change on the surface.

One week ago I was a mild-mannered internet user, whose biggest presence on the internet was a bunch of webmail accounts at different services. Now I find myself with my own domain. An integrated part of the network. A node.


How to blog…

Friday, September 1st, 2006

And so I find myself entering the wild, wicked world of self-publishing a little later than I expected. I am a long-time advanced computer user with a keen interest in the diy aspect of the internet, but to this point have been mostly a casual observer of all things web.

No more!

I envision this blog running the gamut of personal observation:

interesting events and people, strange and new experiences, thoughts, and ideas, all with an odd and sometimes inappropriately-timed sense of humour.

Basically, an outward expression of the long-running story inside my head, but with rss feeds.

I look forward to connecting with and learning about all you cool folks out there in interwebland. You with your own whacky, unpredictable, fascinating minds. In this sense, my blog is an invitation to meet you. So comment, communicate, share, and let’s make the world go round.

Finally, this blog is a test of my ability to commit to diarizing and sharing what I see and hear with the rest of the world. I suppose at first nobody really knows how they’ll react to placing themselves and their ideas at the mercy of so many others all at once.

Only one way to find out!